Learn the fundamentals of mindfulness in a familiar environment. The workshop teaches you to focus on your feelings and needs. You work on how to handle your resources and find out what gives you energy in your daily work.
If you’re happy, then so are we. That is why we make the Home of IT a haven of well-being for you. You have a team who looks after you and your welfare. Whatever is of concern, at work or at home – we are there for you.
We take the subject of mental health very seriously. Ask the community. We meet every second Wednesday and help you to reflect on and promote your mental health. And we also provide online support. Our Microsoft Teams channel “Mentale Gesundheit” (Mental health) provides a list of links and tips on the subject.
LoS is the abbreviation for life phase-oriented self-help competence. It was inspired by our will to offer you direct help in critical situations from among your colleagues. We train volunteers from the company and make them our multiplicators. Across REWE Group we already have more than 200 people. All of them have an open ear for you and provide you with help and advice – all strictly confidential, of course.
Do you want to understand how your inner software works? The Search Inside Yourself programme helps you to do it. With practical methods for mindful (self-) management and emotional intelligence, you can use this knowledge to positive effect for you.
You can contact us at any time to talk to us about your mental health. We are there for you.
The following templates will help you to hold a conversation with your colleagues about your current stress at work and at home.
This stocktaking can help you to identify the first warning signs and possible causes of stress, overtaxing and exhaustion, and work out practical ways of tackling them: https://rewe.conceptboard.com/board/zk5q-6oua-361m-xii3-yu2p
We want to raise your and your colleagues’ awareness so that you can identify signs and typical behaviour in case of overtaxing or mental illness at an early stage. The signs are diverse, as illnesses are complex and can be very different from one person to the next. Below are some signs that might suggest taking a closer look at a situation – for colleagues and yourself.
change of typical habits
build-up of stress and/or forgetfulness
increasing concentration difficulties
constant passive conduct in meetings and defensive reactions
emotions displayed either deeply entrenched or very inconsistent
withdrawal and distancing from other team members
explicit articulation of overtaxing
The right way to react in this case depends on your personality and that of the other person. In any case, you can draw attention to competent support. Details of services and contact persons are available on this website.
We have put together worthwhile information about relaxation techniques, sleep, stress management, addiction and personality for you in our Topfit app: https://topfit.app/modules/mentalfit/
In addition, we recommend the following articles, videos and websites (in German):
“Sieben Tipps für mehr seelische Widerstandskraft”: https://one.rewe-group.com/magazin/magazin-artikel/item/Article/showMag/in-sieben-schritten-zu-mehr-seelischer-widerstandskraft
“Topfit-Quick-Tipps: So lässt sich die eigene psychische Gesundheit fördern”: https://topfit.app/fitblog/600/detail
Website of Aktionsbündnisses Seelische Gesundheit: https://www.seelischegesundheit.net/
You can make an appointment with our company medical officers and psychologist from B.A.D at any time. In case of personal and professional challenges, you can take advantage of special consultation appointments.
All information and contact details are available in our Topfit app.
We offer a lot of workshops and courses on time and self-management in our learning canvas.
More information is available at Further training
We recommend the following tools and apps:
Insight Timer – meditation app with guided meditation sessions, timer function, etc.: https://insighttimer.com/de-de
Youper – AI platform to support mental health with mindfulness exercises and check-ups: https://www.youper.ai/
Plum Village – meditation app with gong function: https://plumvillage.org/de/mindful-apps/
YearCompass – free PDF to plan your year with the help of questions and exercises: https://yearcompass.com/
Daylio – self-care bullet journal app with mood tracker for identifying beneficial habits: https://daylio.net/